No, I wasn't humming that Christina Aguilera song. I am in fact talking about the most mind-boggling question - what is it that a girl expects out of a guy?? Seems like there has been a lot of scientific speculation and theories trying to explain the answer. This one just caught my eye. Its referred to as
"The Ladder Theory".
This Pie chart has been constructed based on data acquired from extensive field study.
- Money contributes to about 50 % of the reason for attraction. Money also includes Power because one is often the reason for the other and both the terms are very closely associated. How much money is "more money" also depends. For a 16 year old, a guy who can afford a bike and cell are rich guys. But as women get older, the amount of money that qualifies a guy as rich also increases. Bottom line - chicks dig rich guys.
- Attraction contributes to 40 % of the reason. Attraction can be further expounded as physical attraction, competition, novelty and others.
Physical attraction is when a woman mysteriously transforms into a 7th grade retort when she sees a "cute" guy at the club or the lead guitarist of a band. This refers to guys who are handsome or to the muscular hunks that she happens to meet.